Monthly Archives: August 2023

DNS cache: Definition & Details

The digital landscape is a dynamic ecosystem driven by a plethora of processes and systems. Central to the seamlessness of internet navigation is the Domain Name System (DNS). While the term DNS is frequently encountered by anyone working in IT or studying digital systems, there’s an intricate component of this system that’s indispensable: the DNS cache. This post offers an in-depth exploration into the concept of Domain Name System cache, its functionality, and its significance.

What is DNS cache?

DNS cache is, in essence, a temporary storage (typically in a device’s RAM) that maintains records of recent visits and attempted visits to websites. This storage or ‘cache’ comprises the domain names and the IP addresses associated with them. It is the bridge between the domain names humans find intuitive and the IP addresses machines utilize.

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What does TLD mean?

In the vast landscape of the internet, where every click of a button opens up a new realm of information, communication, and possibility, a myriad of terms and abbreviations can often leave us bewildered. One such acronym that frequently appears in discussions about websites and URLs is TLD. If you’ve ever wondered what TLD means and how it shapes the online world, you’re in the right place. In this article, we will delve into the world of TLDs, unravel their significance, and explore their role in the digital realm.

Defining TLD: What does it mean?

TLD, which stands for “Top-Level Domain,” is a fundamental concept in the architecture of the internet. A TLD is the last segment of a domain name, appearing after the final dot in a web address. It serves as a critical identifier that categorizes websites and provides essential context about the website’s purpose or origin.

Why TLDs matter?

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