Tag Archives: Round-Robin

What is Round-Robin DNS, and how does it work?

Round-Robin DNS is a type of Domain Name System that uses multiple valid IP addresses to increase the availability and performance of websites. But what exactly does this mean in practice? Read on to learn more about it, how it works, its advantages, and why you should consider using it for your website!

What is Round-Robin DNS? 

Round-Robin DNS is a type of Domain Name System (DNS) that allows for assigning multiple valid IP addresses to one domain name. Essentially, it works by allocating each address an equal weighting value. When someone queries the domain, they will receive one response from out of all available ones currently assigned in rotation. This helps spread requests across different servers, which can help keep websites running efficiently and reliably even under heavy loads or unexpected downtime scenarios – improving scalability simultaneously! Additionally, various settings, such as timeouts & retries, etc., can be configured depending on requirements, giving users more control over resource utilization during request routing; ultimately ensuring their domains are managed effectively every step along the way!

Why do you need Round-Robin DNS?

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